Posts in Pregnancy
Exploring the Ancient Ritual of Yoni Steaming and Its Benefits

Yoni steaming, also known as vaginal steaming or V-steaming, is one such practice that has gained popularity. Rooted in traditional medicine, yoni steaming involves the careful application of steam to the vaginal area. In this blog post, we'll delve into what yoni steaming is and explore its potential benefits.

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The Best Herbs and Supplements for a Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special and exciting time in a woman's life. As a future mother, you want to ensure that you and your baby are healthy and well taken care of. While traditional medical care plays an important role in prenatal care, there are also many natural options to support a healthy pregnancy. Herbs and supplements can offer numerous benefits to expecting mothers and help promote overall wellness during this transformative time. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the best herbs and supplements for a healthy pregnancy and why incorporating them into your prenatal care routine can be beneficial. By embracing a holistic approach to prenatal care, you can support your body and ensure a healthy and happy pregnancy.

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5 Strategies and Stretches to Manage the Aches and Pains of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful and exciting time, but it can also come with its fair share of aches and pains. From back pain and swelling to muscle cramps and hormonal fluctuations, expectant mothers often have to find ways to manage discomfort throughout pregnancy. But fear not, there are strategies and stretches that can help alleviate these common pregnancy discomforts. In this blog, we will explore some simple and effective ways to manage the aches and pains of pregnancy so you can focus on the joys of motherhood.

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What's the Big Deal About Doulas and In-Home Births?

Pregnancy is an amazing time in one’s life. As your body changes to accommodate a new life, you also have to make some important decisions about your and your baby’s care. One of the most important decisions is where to give birth. Many people choose to have their baby in a hospital, though more and more often the choice is made to have an in-home birth with the support of a doula.

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Holistic Ways to Prepare to Bring Your Baby into the World

Preparing for the arrival of your newborn can be overwhelming. If you’re looking to reduce prenatal stress, raise your child in a holistic and environmentally-friendly way, and manage the difficult transition into parenthood, keep reading!

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Benefits of a Prenatal Massage

Massages are a great way to relax, relieve tension, and help keep the mind and body rested and at ease. Pregnancy is an amazing, rewarding time, but it also comes with immense amounts of stress and pain and can come with mental health struggles before, during, and after.

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Fertility Massage - What is it? How Does it Work?

If you are trying to get pregnant, it can be an extremely stressful time, and the longer you go without that positive test the more options you will be looking for and willing to try. What can relieve stress AND help improve fertility? Massage - fertility massage to be specific.

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Benefits of Pre and Post Natal Massage

Back pain, nausea, cramps, bloating, sore boobs, crying spells, fatigue, headaches! For some women pregnancy is 9 months packed full of these symptoms and more. There are the lucky few that have what is known as an easy pregnancy, but even so there are still symptoms that can not be avoided as your body creates a life. Having a baby is truly a miracle, but no one said creating miracles was comfortable.

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