Benefits of a Prenatal Massage

Massages are a great way to relax, relieve tension, and help keep the mind and body rested and at ease. Pregnancy is an amazing, rewarding time, but it also comes with immense amounts of stress and pain and can come with mental health struggles before, during, and after. That’s where prenatal massages come in– we’re going to talk about the benefits of these types of massages. From how they help to reduce swelling, to how they can help your sleep schedule, and everything in between. 


Are you experiencing extreme swelling during your pregnancy? This specific type of massage will help to relieve swelling. Massaging parts of the body that are swollen will help to stimulate the tissue and move any extra fluid so that you’re not as swollen, and will leave you feeling more evenly distributed and less swollen!

Relieves Back Pain 

Mothers-to-be will experience back pain throughout their pregnancy and later on due to hormones and strain from extra weight. Prenatal massages are great for helping to reduce back pain, and massages in general help to increase blood flow and relieve tension in specific areas. 

Helps Reduces Stress         

Stress is extremely common, especially in mothers and expecting mothers. Massages are great for relaxation and will help to boost serotonin and dopamine, leaving you relaxed and with reduced stress. Those who are pregnant have a lot on their mind, and it may seem scary, stressful, and overwhelming. Treating yourself to a massage that will cater to how you’re feeling will be an amazing option for reducing stress and having a little sliver of relaxation.   

Better Sleep 

Sleep is something that most pregnant people lack due to many factors ranging from body pain, the baby kicking, the mind constantly racing, insomnia, and a lot more. A great benefit of prenatal massage is that it can help you to sleep better. Along with how prenatal massages help to reduce stress, the same chemical, serotonin, is the reason why they can help you to sleep better due to its relaxation properties. These specific massages are good for helping with relaxation and pain relief and will help you to have fewer sleepless nights with these issues. More frequent massages will help this over time, as well! 

Prenatal massages are extremely beneficial and can help the mom-to-be with pain, and insomnia, and will help them to feel better overall. If you’re a new mom, a mom-to-be, or you just found out, now is the time to start!