Fertility Massage - What is it? How Does it Work?

Peeing on a stick can be life-changing. It can be the moment your biggest dream comes true, it can be a gut-wrenching disappointment, the scariest moment of your life, the happiest moment, it will be full of emotions no matter what they are. If you are trying to get pregnant, it can be an extremely stressful time, and the longer you go without that positive test the more options you will be looking for and willing to try. What can relieve stress AND help improve fertility? Massage - fertility massage to be specific.

What is Fertility Massage?

Back massage

A fertility massage can include a deep tissue massage of the abdomen intended to increase circulation, which is thought by some practitioners to boost fertility. It can also include the use of certain acupressure points around the feet, especially the inner and outer ankles, which correspond to the uterus, ovaries, and other reproductive organs. These are used in a form of foot massage called reflexology. Regular relaxation techniques similar to those used in a normal massage, like shoulder and neck rubs, can also be incorporated into a fertility massage. These massage techniques stimulate and support circulation and blood flow within the abdominal area and pelvic bowl, supporting the body for optimal function of digestive and reproductive health and wellness.

Fertility Massage Techniques

  • Reflexology uses certain acupressure points found in the feet to benefit the organs associated with reproduction. Certain points found around the ankles and on the top of the foot correspond with the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes. The belief is that applying pressure to these points at various times during your cycle can improve your chances of getting pregnant.

  • Abdominal Massage Whether you’re receiving a fertility massage or just a regular massage of the stomach, that part of the body can feel particularly sensitive when you’re trying to conceive. During a massage with fertility in mind, focusing on the abdomen, which can be filled with tension, is key when it comes to boosting conception efforts. 

  • Myofascial Release is a massage technique that helps to release the myofascial tissue that surrounds all organs and muscles. This tissue can become twisted and adhered to over time. Releasing the myofascial helps to free up organs that may have been stuck to each other and also helps with bringing fresh blood and oxygen to the reproductive organs.

  • Acupressure comes from Traditional Chinese Medicine based on the same ideas as acupuncture but without the needles. It involves applying pressure to a specific point on the body to bring greater balance and circulation.

Benefits of Fertility Massage

  1. Hormonal Balance - The massage is thought to release feel-good hormones, including oxytocin. This promotes hormonal balance by clearing pathways for feedback between reproductive organs and endocrine systems.

  2. Fertility massage helps to break up scar tissue and adhesions from caesareans, pelvic issues, and abdominal surgery. The removal of adhesions is really effective in providing a non-intrusive therapy for blocked fallopian tubes as well as endometriosis.

  3. It also helps to bring fresh, oxygenated blood to the ovaries, improving egg health and improving circulation to the uterus and surrounding organs.

  4. Fertility massage can remove stagnant blood and tissues, clearing congestion. In endometriosis the massage rids the body of the old blood, thereby improving the health of the womb.

DIY Fertility Massage

Massage has been used for centuries to help women increase their fertility and create a healthy uterus. Fertility massage focuses on cleansing, balancing, and opening the women’s body physically and energetically while relaxing her mind so she can be ready to receive and conceive. Massage can facilitate the process physically by breaking up adhesions and increasing pelvic blood supply, help relax tense muscles and tight connective tissues that may have been constricting blood vessels and thus enabling blood to flow more freely. Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness offers a wide variety of massages and has a staff that genuinely cares. Visit them online today to learn more about services offered, and to book an appointment.