How Massage Helps Improve your Circadian Rhythm

Have you ever wondered why every night without fail you get up for the bathroom at almost exactly the same time? How about why no matter your best efforts you are incapable of sleeping in on a Sunday morning? You may refer to it as your internal clock and essentially you would be right. There is a scientific name for this internal clock called a circadian rhythm.


Circadian Rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. These natural processes respond primarily to light and dark and affect most living things, including animals, plants, and microbes.

When everything is balanced, your body runs precisely without any issues. When the body clock is disrupted, your sleep may become sporadic, your moods may become erratic and your metabolism may slow down causing your body to hold onto extra weight. Your natural circadian rhythms can become accelerated or slowed depending on what is occurring in your life. 

How does Massage Help?

Hot stone massage

Stress is a huge factor in disrupting your circadian rhythm and your natural sleep cycle. Massage therapy reduces stress by decreasing cortisol - a stress hormone and increasing serotonin and dopamine - neurotransmitters that help to stabilize mood). Using massage to decrease stress and to promote relaxation may help you sleep better and in turn regulate your circadian rhythm. 

It is common for people to have inadvertently disrupted their circadian rhythms and because of this, our sleep time is shortened and restless. This can increase body aches and pains, anxiety, and fatigue. Pain and sleep loss can exacerbate one another, leading to a vicious cycle. A lack of sleep can worsen pain, while pain itself can make it difficult to find a comfortable enough position to fall asleep. Treating pain successfully can improve your sleep which will help break the negative cycle. Massage therapy has been shown to be helpful in managing various types of pain, including headaches, neck and back pain, arthritis, and pain after surgery. This is done by both increasing blood flow to sore, stiff joints and muscles, which are warmed by the extra circulation. Massage also triggers the release of natural painkillers called opioids in the brain.

If you deal with poor sleep, imbalanced circadian rhythms, or insomnia, it might be beneficial to add a massage into your self-care plan. The benefits are endless and your body will be so happy that you took care of it. At Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness we specialize in customized sessions for restoration of the mind and body. Book a massage today and get your rhythm restored!