Posts tagged regular massage
How Massage Helps Improve your Circadian Rhythm

Have you ever wondered why every night without fail you get up for the bathroom at almost exactly the same time? How about why no matter your best efforts you are incapable of sleeping in on a Sunday morning? You may refer to it as your internal clock and essentially you would be right. There is a scientific name for this internal clock called a circadian rhythm.

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Boosting Health Benefits with a Yoga-Massage Tandem Practice

Yoga and massage are two of the best holistic practices to incorporate into your overall wellness routine. Individually, they both provide undeniable health benefits, but, when done in tandem, the process can amplify the health benefits of its partner. The main difference is in which activity comes first - the yoga or the massage. Logically, if you go to yoga after a Swedish massage, your yoga session will be enhanced. If your hot stone massage is scheduled to follow a sun salutation session, the massage will have deeper, more sustained benefits.

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Why Regular Massage is an Important Part of Your Self-Care Routine

Obviously, the effects of massage are far-reaching and incredibly beneficial, but, like everything, they are only temporary. In order for your body to truly reap the rewards of massotherapy, it’s important that you get a massage fairly regularly. When you are getting regular massages, the whole quality of your life can change. Here are a few benefits of regular massage.

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