Posts tagged mental health
Boosting Health Benefits with a Yoga-Massage Tandem Practice

Yoga and massage are two of the best holistic practices to incorporate into your overall wellness routine. Individually, they both provide undeniable health benefits, but, when done in tandem, the process can amplify the health benefits of its partner. The main difference is in which activity comes first - the yoga or the massage. Logically, if you go to yoga after a Swedish massage, your yoga session will be enhanced. If your hot stone massage is scheduled to follow a sun salutation session, the massage will have deeper, more sustained benefits.

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Massage and Mental Health

It’s the holiday season once again and everywhere you go there is Christmas music playing, decorative lights on people’s lawns, advertisements for holiday sales, and people enjoying the company of loved ones. By all rights, it should be the most wonderful time of the year. For many people, however, that is not the case. The holiday season can be incredibly difficult for people for a wide range of reasons, from grieving a loss to the shortness of days causing an increase in depression and seasonal affective disorder.

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