Posts tagged holisitic health
Are Massages Good for Babies and Children?

Massages for babies and young children can have many benefits. Massages are great for people of all ages. Massaging your little one can make them feel loved and nurtured, and can even improve the bond between you two.

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Best Natural Remedies for Sore Muscles

The activity that caused the soreness doesn’t matter as much as managing the pain that comes along with muscle soreness. Because, when your body is sore, it makes completing your regular routine more difficult. So let’s look into some effective natural remedies for sore muscles.

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Fertility Massage - What is it? How Does it Work?

If you are trying to get pregnant, it can be an extremely stressful time, and the longer you go without that positive test the more options you will be looking for and willing to try. What can relieve stress AND help improve fertility? Massage - fertility massage to be specific.

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How A Massage Membership Can Change Your Life

2020 has been a crazy and difficult year. Of course, it is always very important to take care of your mental and physical health with self-care but now that is truer than ever. Sure, we’re spending a lot more time alone with ourselves but that doesn’t always mean that we’re caring for ourselves. Maybe you’re spending too much time on the couch or eating too much take out. But there is one easy thing you can do to make sure that once a month you are taking some time to nourish your mind, body, and soul: sign up for a massage membership.

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Boosting Health Benefits with a Yoga-Massage Tandem Practice

Yoga and massage are two of the best holistic practices to incorporate into your overall wellness routine. Individually, they both provide undeniable health benefits, but, when done in tandem, the process can amplify the health benefits of its partner. The main difference is in which activity comes first - the yoga or the massage. Logically, if you go to yoga after a Swedish massage, your yoga session will be enhanced. If your hot stone massage is scheduled to follow a sun salutation session, the massage will have deeper, more sustained benefits.

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How to Know What Kind of Massage is Right For You

Modern society’s fast-paced lifestyle and ever-evolving stressors were reason enough to practice self-care even before the Coronavirus pandemic, but the intense stress of the last few months has left most of us in dire need of intentional relaxation. One of the best techniques we can use to put our minds and bodies back in order is massage, but there are tons of types of massage therapy from which to choose. Which one is best for you?

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The Benefits of a Regular Yoga Practice

YOGA – not just popular but good for your body, mind and soul. Even 15 minutes of yoga a day can have a profound impact on your overall health, making you not just physically healthier but happier too. Whatever your preferred type or style of yoga, and wherever you choose to do it – in a class with friends or alone in the bedroom – yoga has a plethora of positive benefits.

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