Are Massages Good for Babies and Children?

Baby feet

Massages for babies and young children can have many benefits. Massages are great for people of all ages. Massaging your little one can make them feel loved and nurtured, and can even improve the bond between you two.

Bonding Through Use of Massaging

Massages will help your baby feel loved and improve your bond. Massages can also help your baby to feel relaxed, which can, in turn, improve your baby's sleep— which will ultimately improve your sleep. Your touch will also help your little one feel cared for and help to improve your communication as they grow older.

Mom and son

Health Benefits

Massages can help your little one to stimulate their circulatory and digestive systems. By improving these systems, your baby can improve in: 

  • Constipation

  • Colic

  • Cramps

  • Gas

Massages can also help to relieve tension that comes with growing pains, muscle tension, and even the discomfort of teething. Studies have also shown that massaging your baby can help reduce fussiness and crying. When your little one is receiving a massage, their nervous system will be stimulated. This will set off a chain reaction to the brain causing it to produce more serotonin and less cortisol.

When to Massage your Baby

In some households, it is customary to start massaging your baby as soon as they are brought home from the hospital. It’s important to wait a few days or even weeks before massaging your baby to ensure that they have a strong skin barrier. If your baby is born prematurely, follow your doctor’s advice for an appropriate massaging routine. In addition, be sure to choose an oil that is certified to be safe for a baby's skin. When you massage your baby, pick a time when the baby is relaxed and in a quiet, calm environment. If you are considering massaging your baby or child, however, be sure to consult a doctor to decide if this is right for you.


Massaging presents many health benefits for your baby, and is a great way to bond, as well. It may take a while for your baby to warm up to the idea of being massaged— this is normal. Start massaging for a few minutes at a time to ensure they are comfortable and enjoying the experience.