Posts tagged cupping
Best Natural Remedies for Sore Muscles

The activity that caused the soreness doesn’t matter as much as managing the pain that comes along with muscle soreness. Because, when your body is sore, it makes completing your regular routine more difficult. So let’s look into some effective natural remedies for sore muscles.

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What is Cupping and How Can it Help Me?

You might have heard of cupping before, but you also may not have. Like most types of alternative medicine and healing techniques, cupping has been around for an extremely long time but it wasn’t until a few years ago that it really came into vogue as a procedure that people seek out for various ailments. The cupping technique is actually in the oldest medical text ever found, showing that it was being used by the Egyptians in around 1500 BCE. But what exactly is it and how can it help you? Well, we’re here to clarify for you exactly how cupping works. 

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