How to Know What Kind of Massage is Right For You

Indoor massage laying face down

Modern society’s fast-paced lifestyle and ever-evolving stressors were reason enough to practice self-care even before the Coronavirus pandemic, but the intense stress of the last few months has left most of us in dire need of intentional relaxation. One of the best techniques we can use to put our minds and bodies back in order is massage, but there are tons of types of massage therapy from which to choose. Which one is best for you? That depends on your personal health factors and therapy objectives. Let’s look at some of the most popular forms of massage in conjunction with the benefits they offer their recipients.

Swedish Massage
Objective: relaxation, stress relief, introduction to massage
What to expect: This classic massage eases stress and allows you to slip into a state of calm and relaxation. Your therapist will use gentle, consistent pressure to knead and relax all of the muscles in your body, head to toe.

Deep Tissue or Sports Massage
Objective: severe tension release in muscles and connective tissue, improved range of motion, corrected postural problems, recovery from repetitive use injuries
What to expect: Slow strokes and deep pressure permeate the deepest layers of your muscles and connective tissue. This is not the type of massage to get if you want to leave your appointment feeling pleasantly centered and relaxed. You may even feel sore afterwards. Even still, always make your therapist aware if you need the pressure to be amended by either making it lighter or firmer. Your massage therapist should be amenable and responsive.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Objective: detoxification, cell regeneration, increased energy level, weight loss
What to expect: In direct contrast to a deep tissue or sports massage, this type of massage applies very gentle, light pressure that helps to direct lymphatic fluids toward the lymph nodes. This process cleans your body of toxins, proteins, cancer cells, viruses, and dead cells. After your session, your massage therapist may also discuss with you ways that you can promote the proper functioning of your lymphatic system in between sessions.

Hot Stone Massage
Objective: easing muscle tension without the use of deep pressure through heat, centering yourself, relaxation, maximizing time in session
What to expect: During a hot stone massage, heated smooth stones are lubricated with oil or essential oils, and the therapist uses them as an extension of his or her hands, inducing deep relaxation and alleviating pain without applying intense pressure. Hot stone massages can even improve blood flow.

Prenatal Massage
Objective: ease physical and emotional stress associated with pregnancy, relieve aches and pains, decrease swelling
What to expect: The main difference between a Swedish massage and a prenatal massage is that of the postures and props. Specially designed massage tables, cushions, and side-lying postures prevent putting pressure on the abdomen while the therapist uses classic Swedish Massage relaxation techniques.
*Note: Another type of pregnancy massage—Postnatal Massage—combines the techniques of Swedish and Lymphatic Drainage Massage to promote relaxation and detoxification post-delivery.

Back chop massaging

The above types of massage therapy are the most commonly offered, but other techniques such as aromatherapy, reflexology, and wet or dry cupping can be beneficial, as well. Your massage therapist may even offer full body stretching, which promotes flexibility and balance in the muscular-skeletal system. In light of the influx of recent stressors, getting a massage is more valuable than ever. Even though there are tons of massage options, identifying your personal goals will make it much easier to choose the right type for your present situation. And, whatever your objective, Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness offers the massage to meet it. Reach out on our website to schedule an appointment. Or, call us directly at (216) 205-9585 to discuss a personalized massage treatment plan which will be uniquely formulated to meet your needs and create peace during this trying time.