What Can Reflexology Do for Me?

Foot massage

You’ve heard of reflexology but are not sure what it is? You are not alone – but this popular relative of massage can do wonders for your body and mind. In layman’s terms, it is a specific type of massage, focused on your feet. The practitioner applies their knowledge and skill to put pressure on highly specific reflex points on your feet.

And apart from the obvious and immediate feel-good effect of relaxation on your feet, practitioners of reflexology believe their work on the foot has direct links to your whole body. While you enjoy the experience of kneading on your soft and fleshy ball of your foot, or experiencing your toes being pulled, or your heel being traced around – common movements in reflexology amongst many more – your practitioner is working to help heal your whole body.

The treatment revolves around a precise diagram of the foot and the pressure points are linked to symptoms you may have across your body – for example, manipulating the toes is believed to help relieve sinus problems, or massaging the heel can help with pelvis issues.

Every part of the foot is mapped to an organ or body area, and by working with your reflexologist and telling them your symptoms and concerns, they can adapt their treatment to focus on those maladies to bring relief. Although reflexologists mainly work with the feet, the technique can also be used with hands and ears.

A pure foot massage – while relaxing and beneficial in its own right – is at a simpler level of treatment, focusing on manipulating body tissues to relax muscles, improve circulation and relieve tension. All highly beneficial to wellbeing and overall health. But reflexology goes further – practitioners use the highly targeted pressure point massage to help restore your energy flow throughout your entire body.

Closeup feet

Your practitioner can help guide you through wider health issues – if you feel tenderness or sensitivity in a part of your foot when it is treated, it is a guide to a weakness in a particular part of your body. Once this has been identified, your practitioner can hone their technique to clear blocked energy from channels in your body by applying nerve ending manipulation and repeated pressure. This helps move blood through the affected area, bringing fresh nutrients where they are needed and removing unwanted toxins, to help restore overall health.

A full session of reflexology aims to treat your body in a holistic manner, boosting the immune system, detoxifying the body, improving circulation, balancing internal energy and promoting healing. A respected reflexology practitioner will be certified and can explain the meridians in your body linked to each pressure point.

Typically, a reflexology session is around 30 minutes but can be up to an hour if needed – speaking with your practitioner about your needs and symptoms will help guide the time needed. Patients are usually seated or may lie down for their treatment, while the therapist presses, rubs and squeezes key points on your feet, maybe focusing on specific areas according to the treatment plan you have discussed.

It is advisable to wait at least an hour after eating for the treatment and drink water to help eliminate toxins and lactic acid build up. Pregnant women are advised not to have reflexology treatment and if you have any existing foot problems, blood vessel disease, or varicose veins seek a doctor’s advice beforehand.

Holistic Massotherapy & Wellness has practitioners certified in reflexology who can help you to relieve pain and ailments in your body. If you are interested in booking a session, you can do so on our website or by calling the office. We are always willing to discuss our different massage offerings in more depth to help decide what would be best for each individual client.