What is a Doula?

A doula is someone who provides support for mothers during birth and post-pregnancy both physically and emotionally. They are trained professional who stays by the mother's side before, during, and after pregnancy. The purpose of having a Doula is so the mother can have a safe and happy labor. 

What does a Doula do?

Post-pregnancy, women are weak and fragile because labor takes a harsh toll on the body. When the baby is finally birthed, the parents are exhausted since labor can last 12+ hours. A doula will offer physical comfort and relaxation to the new mom through massage and emotional support. Your Doula is there to answer questions and be a shoulder to cry on. They are also equipped with the knowledge to reduce anxiety and stress before, during, and after birth. 

During labor, the doula will provide the mother will techniques to relieve pain such as breathing techniques and changing positions. 

Benefits of Having a Doula

One of the main benefits of having a doula present before, during, and after pregnancy is that they can help relieve the stress the mother may have. If she is experiencing physical stress in muscles or joints, the doula is a trained masseuse. If the mother is experiencing mental stress and anxiety, the Doula knows all medical aspects and procedures during pregnancy and labor so they can answer any questions and provide moral support for the mother. It has also shown in many cases that women are less likely to ask for an epidural when the Doula is present!

Postpartum Doula

A postpartum doula is someone who helps your family transition into a new life with a newborn baby. They will help mothers breastfeed their babies. They will also provide support emotionally and physically to the mother through moral support and massages. The doula also helps the family by doing housekeeping, running errands, meal preparation, and taking care of the other children (if any). Postpartum doulas can be lifesavers to dads and moms with busy lives!

If you are interested in doula services for your pregnancy, check out our wellness services page where you can learn more information about Raven’s doula experience!