Self Care to Welcome Spring

Self-care is important to keep you feeling grounded and balanced all year long. Spring is right around the corner and it’s time to start preparing ourselves both mentally and physically. 

Person walking through a flower field

Go for a walk

As simple as this may sound, it truly is beneficial. The fresh air and the sunshine are amazing for you. Getting exercise is proven to increase your natural levels of dopamine and serotonin which can improve your overall mood. Get outside and get moving! 

Open your windows and curtains often 

Open those curtains and let the light in. Natural sunlight is brighter and more energizing than any indoor light there is. Not only will this keep your electricity bill down, but it will also keep your spirits up. 

Take care of your skin

Winter dries out your skin from the cold, dry air. Replenish your face and body with lotion, serums, and exfoliants. Using an exfoliator 1-2 times a week will help remove dead skin and oils. Follow up with a non-scented lotion and a face serum to lock in moisture. 

Essential oil with flowers

Essential Oils 

Not only do they smell great, but they also reduce stress, increase your quality of sleep, treat fungal infections, and are plant-based! Essential oils can be used in many forms including diffusers, bracelets, or just smelling them out of the bottle. They are easy to find and can be extremely affordable. 

Try Yoga

Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices that help you focus on breathing and meditation. Yoga uses position to lengthen your body and mind. Hot yoga is great to help you sweat out toxins and increase flexibility.