Essential Oils to Start Your Year off Right

Getting a fresh start is a huge theme of the New Year. Now more than ever, everyone goes into the next year hoping that it will be better than the last. Here are a few essential oils we recommend incorporating into your routine to stay healthy in the coming year. 



Lavender is a great essential oil for relaxing, and what better way to start a new year than to be relaxed? Known for its calming effects, lavender is useful for relieving stress and getting a good night’s sleep. To reduce stress, you can use an essential oil diffuser to create a calming aura throughout the room and to improve your sleep, you can lightly spray it on your pillow or sheets. Some humidifiers even offer the option to add essential oils into them!

Tea Tree

One of the resolutions that people often make for the New Year is to go greener. One easy way to do this is to swap out your cleaning products with natural ones! One of the best essential oils for this is tea tree oil because of its deodorizing and disinfecting abilities. 

Adding tea tree oil to a water and vinegar mixture makes a great cleaner for areas of your home that could be prone to mold or mildew. You can also remove any bad odors on your clothing caused by bacteria by adding 3 drops of tea tree oil to your detergent. It can even help fight stubborn acne!



This essential oil can be helpful to just about everyone. Peppermint essential oil is great for improving focus and clarity. If you’re having trouble keeping your New Year’s resolutions in focus or focusing on your work, simply put some peppermint oil in your diffuser! 

Peppermint oil is also known for its abilities as a pain reliever. For joint or muscle pain, simply apply the oil to the affected area or add a few drops into a warm bath. If you’re trying to fight off a headache, try using a diffuser or massaging the peppermint oil onto your temples.

Any Citrus-Based Oils

Citrus array

Citrusy scents are often linked to happiness and energy. Sweet orange essential oil is known to boost your mood and create positive energy– this can be useful when you’re trying to make big life changes in the New Year! Likewise, lemongrass essential oil is known to boost your energy levels and help motivate you, as well as improve your mood. 

There are many more essential oils that can be used to help you feel better going into 2022. If you’re looking to use aromatherapy to help start your year off on the right foot, we’d love to have you for an aromatherapy session! Nothing beats a good massage that will also leave you feeling happier, more relaxed, and more focused on the year to come.