Our Favorite Self-Care Tips for this Winter

As the weather gets colder and it begins to get darker earlier in the day, it can be tempting to bury ourselves in a nest of blankets and hibernate until spring comes. But rather than doing that, many of us still have responsibilities and jobs to attend to. That’s why it’s important to make sure you take the time to take care of yourself! Here are some of our favorite ways to do just that. 

Snow on winter trees

Get Outside

As unpleasant as it may seem to go outside in December in Northeastern Ohio, Ohio winters can truly be beautiful in the right circumstances. There are plenty of opportunities to get outside even if you don’t want to go anywhere-- for example, heading into your backyard to look at the icicles hanging off of your roof or the snow-covered trees is a great way to experience the beauty of winter. 

It’s also worth noting that seasonal depression can hit hard during the winter months. Getting outside is a great way to get a little more vitamin D in your life, which has been shown to improve your mood as well as your physical health. 

Bath with tea, candle, and a floral arrangement

Take a Hot Bath

Winter in Ohio can sometimes chill you to the bone. There may be days when, no matter what you do, you just can’t seem to warm up. Taking a hot bath when this is the case is a great way to warm up. If you feel like taking this method to the next level, we suggest adding a glass of wine or a nice cup of hot chocolate or tea, or your favorite bath bomb or bubble bath. 

A hot bath or shower is also a great way to relieve muscle tension and even cold and flu symptoms. Between that and the overall relaxing effects of taking a bath, you’ll be ready to cozy up for the night in no time! 


Get a Massage

No matter what time of year it is, a massage can always be beneficial when it comes to loosening up your muscles and relaxing your mind. The oils and moisturizers used during a massage are also a great way to make sure your skin is getting the moisture it needs during the dryer months. 

If you’re looking for the perfect winter date idea, make it a couples massage! After all, the only thing better than pampering yourself and getting a massage is doing it with your favorite person. 

As always, you can contact us to book your perfect winter massage-- couples or singles-- with Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness today. We can’t wait to help you make time for taking care of yourself this winter.