How Prenatal Massages Benefit You and Your Baby

So you may have heard a thing or two about prenatal massages and you may be thinking, “I would love to try that, but why?” We’re here to tell you exactly how they will benefit you… and the baby!

Hormone Stabilization

The fluctuation of hormone levels throughout pregnancy can make you feel extremely drained, and these levels may even affect your baby. A prenatal massage is great for stimulating your endocrine system and all in all, will stabilize and help to reduce hormones that are roaming free. Prenatal massages will help to give you a much-needed sense of relaxation and a better night's sleep. These benefits coupled together will help the baby to grow healthy since it is receiving less of the harmful stress hormones. 

Muscle Pain Relief 

While this doesn’t necessarily help the baby directly, muscle pain is a huge factor in pregnancy, and one of the main benefits of prenatal massages is pain relief! Relieving any pain through pregnancy can calm you and you will put less stress on your baby, helping them stay healthy in the long run.

Preparing for Arrival

So, you’ve had your prenatal massages throughout your pregnancy, and now, it’s the big day! With your joints being worked out through massage and your mind having a sense of relaxation, you are better prepared for the pain that comes with going into labor. You will feel more relaxed than you would have if you hadn’t had these massages, and your body will be less tense.

Prenatal massages are highly recommended because they are great for you, but a happy mom also means a happy baby! Treat yourself with care, and your baby will come out happy and healthy!