How a Holistic Approach to Your Period Will Change Your Life

Most women know that menstrual cycles come with more struggles than cramps and irritability. However, the symptoms of PMS can seem endless. It can feel impossible to know how to treat them all and make it through this challenging time.

You can resolve some fundamental issues, such as cramping or muscles, with a warm towel soaked in hot or cold water. Nonetheless, you'll need holistic support for PMS to make it through the advanced problems.

Here, we'll examine what that support looks like and why it can be more beneficial than traditional medicine.

Understanding Premenstrual Syndrome and PMS Symptoms

PMS can cause over 150 physical and emotional symptoms during the second half of your cycle (the luteal phase). The most common of these symptoms include fatigue, unusual cravings, mood swings, breast tenderness, and muscle pain.

Many women experience at least mild premenstrual symptoms. However, up to 10% have such a painful menstrual period that they cannot work or live their regular lives.

We don't know why some menstrual cycles are harsher than others. Many believe it results from liver damage causing the inability to process excess estrogen. Similarly, most people think the emotional issues stem from an improper hormone balance.

How Holistic Treatments Can Help You Through Your Menstrual Cycle

Doctors and pharmaceuticals help balance blood sugar levels and limit weight gain and abdominal bloating. However, holistic healers treat PMS by addressing all those physical symptoms and more.

Alternative medicine promotes relaxation and mental health wellness. So, with holistic support for PMS, you'll naturally balance hormones to relieve stress and mood changes. Unfortunately, most conventional remedies don't offer that emotional support.

Another big part of holistic healing is emphasizing healthy eating habits and exercise. That focus gives you healthy fats to limit period pain and increase your blood flow. You will also improve your digestive tract for less bloating and weight gain.

cell phone, notebook, birth control pills, water, and diva cup on counter

Conventional Treatments and Their Drawbacks

Several drugs and oral contraceptives now exist that address PMS symptoms occurring throughout the body. While these methods can be as beneficial as holistic support for PMS, they come with an increased risk of side effects.

Medical treatment for PMS can reduce cramps and menstrual flow by 30%. However, it can also cause nausea, bleeding, and soreness. Some painkillers and medicines also accentuate common symptoms of PMS, like irritability and breast tenderness.

Our Favorite Holistic Treatment Methods for Remedying Menstrual Cramps

·       Non-pharmaceutical supplements: While medicine can reduce your symptoms in exchange for problematic side effects, non-pharmaceutical supplements produce some positives without the negatives. B vitamins, magnesium, and calcium can strengthen your metabolism while limiting cramps and pain.

·       Meditation: PMS comes with many mental and emotional issues, and the soreness and cramping only worsen those problems. With regular meditation, you can restore mental balance enough to overcome your stress. Some meditation can also restore physical strength enough to lessen mild aches.

·       Acupuncture: Anyone who's never experienced acupuncture might feel even more anxiety at the idea of pins in their body. However, it's one of the most effective ways to decrease PMS symptoms and chronic stress. It provides pain relief and peace of mind, healing your body and soul.

Holistic Massotherapy & Wellness has all the consulting and lifestyle training you need to overcome even the worst PMS symptoms. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or learn more about our holistic support for PMS.