Yoni Steams: What, How, & Why

A woman standing in a cloud of steam

If you struggle to manage pelvic pain or regulate your menstrual cycle, holistic treatment may offer relief. Vaginal steaming, also called Yoni steaming, is an ancient cleansing method practiced by many cultures. Some believe this technique soothes the body after menstruation and childbirth.

Knowing the right information can help you determine whether this solution is suitable for you. This article will explore what vaginal steaming is, how it works, and why many people try it.

What Is Vaginal Steaming?

Vaginal steaming is a process that requires a bowl, herbal water, and a heat source. One can administer this treatment by evaporating the contents into the vaginal tissue. For thousands of years, women have used this technique to promote reproductive health.

You can use several herbal products during vaginal steam treatment, such as:

  • Rosemary: Recognized for its antibacterial properties

  • Calendula: Contains anti-inflammatory elements

  • Nettle: Contains trace amounts of iron

  • Violet leaf: Moisturizes the vagina

  • Mugwort: Offers stress- and pain-relieving properties

  • Raspberry leaf: Tones the vagina and uterus

  • Oregano: Provides antiseptic relief when consumed

  • And more

Today, those who practice this natural method consider it meditative and cleansing. Women can administer this treatment themselves at home or seek a specialist. Vaginal steaming generally takes up to 30 minutes, depending on how the body responds.

How Does Yoni Steaming Help Menstrual Cramps?

Many people consume herbal tea to remedy general discomfort and reduce stress. Similarly, applying herbal steam to the vagina may promote relaxation. Hot water and steam treatments are therapeutic and offer non-invasive pain relief.

If you suffer from irregular periods, these solutions may enable you to reduce discomfort in your pelvic area and regulate your cycle. Some people believe that herbal remedies strengthen the uterus and soft tissue around the vagina.

For those who recently gave birth, a steam treatment may make the healing process more manageable.

Why Is Yoni Steaming Becoming Popular for Menstrual Cramps?

Alternative therapies are more present in mainstream discourse than ever before. Conventional surgeries and medication may help with some problems related to the vagina and uterus. However, these solutions can yield many negative side effects. 

Yoni treatment is generally safe and attracts people from all walks of life.

Steam has other meditative applications. Many spas use steam treatments to help relax muscles and clear sinuses.

For many, this solution is a cost-efficient alternative to expensive painkillers. Anyone can try steam treatment by heating water and infusing an herbal product of their choice. 

Things To Consider When Using Vaginal Treatments

Although vaginal steaming is safe for most people, do not attempt this treatment when you are pregnant, menstruating, or have open sores on your genitalia. Additionally, be aware that steam can irritate the skin of those with dermatitis.

Before using vaginal steam treatment, sterilize the bowl and remove genital piercings to avoid the risk of yeast infections.

Remember that the vagina is a self-cleaning organ that will heal over time. Steam treatment may be appropriate in some cases, but not all. No significant evidence suggests that vaginal steaming can cure reproductive disease or injury.

Say Goodbye to Painful Cramps With Vaginal Steaming

At Holistic Massotherapy & Wellness, we help you alleviate discomfort with non-invasive massage therapies. Our team takes the time to understand your symptoms and develop custom solutions.

Learn more about steam treatments with Holistic Massotherapy & Wellness or book an appointment today.