Benefits of Pre and Post Natal Massage

Back pain, nausea, cramps, bloating, sore boobs, crying spells, fatigue, headaches! For some women pregnancy is 9 months packed full of these symptoms and more. There are the lucky few that have what is known as an easy pregnancy, but even so there are still symptoms that can not be avoided as your body creates a life. Having a baby is truly a miracle, but no one said creating miracles was comfortable. Luckily in recent years there has been more and more attention being paid to women's health. With that more treatments are becoming available to help with the discomforts of pregnancy as well as after the child is born in the postpartum period. Massage is quickly becoming integrated into the pregnancy and postpartum routine for many women.

Pregnant belly

During pregnancy your body undergoes many uncomfortable changes and prenatal massage is a technique designed specifically to tackle the issues that come along with pregnancy. This technique includes deep body work in order to help improve circulation and take strain off muscles and joints. Mentally, receiving a massage can help to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and provide a sense of being pampered. All of which are especially beneficial during pregnancy. Prenatal massage has specific benefits for each trimester of pregnancy:

First trimester:

  • Relieves headaches

  • Helps to alleviate morning sickness

  • Relieves stress

  • Reduces fatigue

Second trimester:

  • Relieves leg cramps

  • Reduces stress on major joints 

  • Improves blood and lymph circulations

  • Removes stress from the nervous system

  • Keeps blood pressure in check 

Pregnant woman

Third Trimester:

  • Stabilizes hormone levels

  • Relieves anxiety and depression 

  • Reduces swelling

  • Aids in better sleep

  • Relieves pain from ligaments and varicosities 

  • Prepares pelvic muscles for childbirth

Prenatal massage helps promote the blood and lymph, which in turn assists the lymphatic and circulatory systems. This process not only helps mom grow the baby, but it helps provide more nourishment for the baby while growing. 

Once the baby is born many women get caught up caring for their newborn baby and postpartum care is overlooked during a time where it is just as important to take care of yourself as it is before the baby is born. A woman’s body goes through a lot of changes and restructuring after the birthing process as well as a large number of woman go through a phase called the “baby blues”. It is important to continue care during this period and there are plenty of specific benefits for receiving postpartum massages. 

Postpartum Massage 

New born child and mother
  • Relieves tension from the birthing process

  • Quickens recovery

  • Encourages pelvic and abdominal organs to return to pre-pregnancy positions

  • Promotes shift return to digestive function

  • Increases energy levels and reduces fatigue

  • Aids in returning the uterus to normal size

  • Decreases muscle tension from the exertion of labor

  • Provides emotional support

During pregnancy, the biggest concern tends to be the health of the baby and while that is of course the goal to deliver a happy healthy baby, it is important to also take care of mom before, during, and after child birth. Prenatal and postpartum massage is a great way to make sure women receive the care they deserve during this time. Don’t wait, call Holistic Massotherapy & Wellness today and get more information on whether these massages are right for you and to book your first appointment!