The Effects of the Changing Seasons on Your Body

Throwing leaves

The equinox has passed, the air is cool, and the leaves are starting to show the tell-tale signs of the changing of the seasons. Many people love fall for the beautiful colors, the cooler days and sweater weather, and of course the upcoming holidays – what’s not to love? Unfortunately, the changing weather ushering in autumn could cause some physical problems for people.

Many people who already have joint and muscle pain notice that the cooler weather exacerbates their discomfort. There is no conclusive reason for why people’s bodies hurt more when the weather is bad but it’s not uncommon for people to report more aches and pains during rainy or cold conditions. One theory is that the changes in barometric pressure due to different weather conditions cause your muscles and tendons to expand and contract. Another idea is that the fluids in your body get thicker with a decrease in temperature causing your joints to feel stiffer and less mobile. Additionally, bad weather means that people are less likely to be active, causing more stiffness and pain since activity is good for the body.

On top of all of this, seasonal stressors can play a significant role in body discomfort. Maybe you’re starting a new semester of school, or helping to usher your kids into a new school year – particularly this year with the strain of distance learning making life difficult for many parents. As we come closer and closer to the close of the year, your workload might have picked up considerably, plus the stress of getting ready for the holidays, cleaning your home, entertaining guests, and shopping – all of this is a perfect storm for your body to start protesting. Stress can do quite an intense number on your body if you don’t have an outlet for it.

That’s where massage can help improve your life. We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again that self-care is pivotal for overall wellness and one of the best ways to treat your body right is to get a massage. The benefits of regular massage on not only your physical well-being, but also on your mental and emotional health have been proven time and time again through countless studies. Even just the element of skin to skin contact with another human being has immense emotionally healing benefits for people. Additionally, massage can help with increased circulation, increased range of motion, and loosening and releasing tension in tight muscles.

If you feel like your body is a little out of sorts as we head into the fall, you should give us a call at Holistic Massotherapy & Wellness. Our therapists are trained in many different kinds of massage and are experts at customizing your massage experience to best suite your needs. While you’re at it, consider signing up for a monthly massage membership – regular massage compounds the healing effects over the length of your commitment. Schedule your next massage on our website today.